In any historical restoration or refurbishment project, the synergy between the work of expert restorers, companies, professionals, technical studies, Superintendence and laboratories for the specific study of the original mortars or plasters becomes very important.
HERES, aware of the complexity of the strict criteria governing the preservation of architectural heritage, through careful research and continuous experimentation, without ever abandoning the tradition and specialty of craftsmanship, studies the behavior of raw materials, proposes its own materials and suitable solutions for the preservation, conservation, restoration and maintenance of national public and private properties.
Based on this commitment, it wants to make available to those involved in the architectural restoration scene, materials that enable them to meet the instructions contained in the “Restoration Charter 1972,” later renewed in the “Conservation and Restoration Charter of 1987.”
Therefore, made firm that restoration means any intervention aimed at maintaining in efficiency, facilitating reading and fully transmitting to the future the architectural heritage of public domain subject to protection, our materials are able to facilitate the work of the restorer.